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Pempek Keriting
Basic dough pempek

  1. Take a small round dough balls for tennis.
  2. Use pirikan (Pirikan brass or coconut shell hole imaginable fine)
  3. Press dough with pirikan, grab clumps of pirikan crackers and put in tatakkan.
  4. If no pirikan, use a small noodle maker machine, cut to taste and put ditatakan rounded.
  5. In general, the way the same as making regular crackers.

Pempek Lenjer

Basic dough recipe pempek

Shape dough pempek like pieces of wood (round or flat and long).
  • Shape Flat 
  • Round Shape
  • Small Lenjer
Boil until cooked floating and then chill.

Pempek Submarine (pempek eggs)


  • 1 A basic dough recipe pempek
  • 8 eggs duck or chicken eggs
  • 100 grams of wet noodle who have been dipped in warm water (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons ground dried shrimp (optional)
  • cucumber slices (optional)
  • cuko sauce


Pempek Palembang

Pempek or Empek-empek Palembang is a typical food made ​​from fish and sago. Actually it is difficult to say that the center is the Palembang pempek is because in almost all areas in South Sumatra produce it.

Presentation pempek accompanied by a sauce of black brownish-called vinegar or cuko (Palembang language). Cuko made ​​from the boiled water, then add brown sugar, shrimp, dried shrimp and crushed chili, garlic, and salt. For indigenous communities Palembang, Cuko than once made ​​spicy to increase appetite. But as the influx of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra is now commonly found cuko with a sweet taste for those who do not like spicy. One of the appendages in a typical meal is tasteless slices of fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles.

Sights on the banks of River Musi

One of the targets in the tourist town of Palembang is a great dining dinner on the banks of the river musi, and some places to visit are:
  1. Bridge Ampera
  2. Fortress Religious Tourism
  3. Floating Restaurant Riverside
  4. Floating restaurant Warung Legenda
  5. Raft Houses
  6. Island Kemaro
  7. Bagus Kuning
  8. River Gerong
  9. Market 16

History Ampera Bridge

The desire to unify the two land in the city of Palembang "Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir" with the bridge, has actually existed since the time of Palembang Gemeente, 1906. When the position is held Palembang Mayor Le Cocq de Ville, 1924, the idea of ​​sticking it back and do a lot of effort to make it happen. However, until the term of office ends Le Cocq, even when the Dutch pull out of Indonesia, the project was never realized.

At the time of independence, the idea of ​​sticking it back. Transitional Parliament of Palembang city back when it proposed the construction of the bridge, called the Musi Bridge by reference to na-ma Musi River earlier stops, at the plenary session held on October 29, 1956. This proposal is actually quite desperate because the budget is in the city of Palembang that will be the initial capital of only around Rp 30.000,00. In 1957, building committee was formed, consisting of Lord of War Command Military Region IV / Sriwijaya, Harun Sohar, and the Governor of South Sumatra, HA Bastari. Companion, Mayor of Palembang, M. Ali Amin, and Indra Caya. This team approach to the Bung Karno to support the plan.

Musi River

Musi River
Musi River is a river located in South Sumatra province, Indonesia. With a length of 750 km, this river is the longest on the island of Sumatra and Palembang city split into two parts. Ampera bridge that became an icon of Palembang was passed over this river. Since the era of Sriwijaya until now, the river is famous as the main medium of transportation for the community.
On the banks of the Musi River are the Port of New Boom and the Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.

Bridge Ampera
Ampera bridge is a bridge in Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Ampera bridge, which has become a kind of symbol of the city, situated in the middle of the city of Palembang, linking regions and Seberang Ulu Seberang Ilir separated by the River Musi.

Bridge Ampera Structure
Length: 1117 m [citation needed] (the center of the 71.90 m)
Width: 22 m
Height: 11.5 m from the surface of the water
Tower Height: 63 m from ground
The distance between towers: 75 m
Weight: 944 tons

Geographical Palembang

Palembang is one of the metropolitan city in Indonesia and is geographically located between 2o 52 'to 3o 5' south latitude and 104o 37 'to 104o 52' East longitude with an average height of 8 meters from the sea. The total area of ​​400.61 km2 Palembang is administratively divided into 16 districts and 107 villages. Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra Province with the boundaries of the north, east and west by Banyu Asin regency, while the south by Muara Enim regency.

Palembang is the natural state of the tropics relative valley, with an average temperature of most areas of the city of Palembang 21o-32o Celsius, rainfall 22-428 MML per year. Based on data from the Meteorological Station

History of Palembang (Part 9)

1987 - 1988

For sub 2, 3, 5 ilir, and 13, 14 ulu. KIP development of this form include:

    Environmental road (asphalt), Ris Concrete Construction, Construction of concrete bridges, drinking water faucets, toilets, tub waste, Waste Carts, Concrete Buis, SD Multi, Community Health Center.

    The rebuilding of the burned area kampong 22, 23, 24 and 26 ilir denagn site area building area of ​​236,078 m2 with house flat 4th floor, various types of as many as 3584 units complete with infrastructure and environmental facilities and 214 plots of land ready to build.

Land Acquisition

For the removal of the terminal plans under Seberang Ilir Ampera bridge across the pit to the region for both passenger terminals and fatherly stuff  ± 8 Ha.

History of Palembang (Part 8)

Systems Development Macro and Micro Systems

Macro System: includes the main channel by making use of rivers and ponds (Retention Basin).

Micro System: Includes the collecting ducts from these areas flow into the main channels and kesaluran parent.

Implementation Phase:
  •     The program urges
        Cleaning the river weir and the River rendang.
        Creation / improvement of primary channels, siring siring-and-Koker Koker.
  •     Short Term Program
        Normalization Sekanak River, a river dam
        Enhancement / creation of primary channels and secondary channels between the two rivers.

History of Palembang (Part 7)

1960 - 1970
  1. Development Musi Bridge (Bridge Ampera) April 1962 - May 1965
  2. Kampung Improvement
  3. Construction of primary schools
  4. Employee Housing Development at Jalan Duku (Wells Stone), Jl. Makrayu and PCK
  5. The restoration of the Tomb Kings Palembang, House Bari
  6. Improved Hygiene
  7. Under the Bridge Terminal Ampera
  8. Shops Tengkuruk By Pass (Permai)
  9. Market 10 Ulu
  10. Redistricting Ilir village 20 so 4, 26 ilir was 2, Sungai Batang agile as divided by the River

History of Palembang (Part 6)

1935 - 1950

  1. Bayas changes by entering the port city of Betutu Gutters air into the Municipal Administration.
  2. By Pass road building with street names Miaji (Jl. Jend. Sudirman).
  3. Construction of runway of aircraft:
  • Construction of Airports in Betung.
  • Airfield in Talang Hall.
  • Improvements in the sea port city of Palembang.
  • Aircraft field development on the River Fruit.
  • The expansion of the airfield gutters Betutu (SMB II).
  • The opening of the road that starts from the Simpang Mosque (Simp. Jl. TP. Rustam Effendi) to the intersection of Charity (Jl. Jend. Sudirman).
  • Improvements and widening and straightening Jl. To Talang Betutu (Jl. Col. H. Burlian).

History of Palembang (Part 5)

The period of the Sultanate of Palembang

Central government at the beginning of the resurrection, in the eastern city of Palembang (around PT. PUSRI and Sub I Ilir). Then after nearly a century to move to the center in the Village 19 Ilir, a development that made the form:

  1. Keraton / Palace Kuto Hurdles (PT Pusri I Ilir), Kuto Lamo and Religious Tourism (19 Kelurahan Ilir).
  2. Fortress (the installation of flooring on the River Musi to deter enemy ships).
  3. Mosque (in the I Ilir, Banyan Beard and the Great Mosque 19 Ilir).
  4. Ports and mooring places river transport.
  5. The tomb of the kings of Palembang.
  6. Spatial arrangement of cities (such as Kepandean, beloved, Kebumen, Depaten).
  7. Development by the community (pagoda, pyramid house, household fabrics industry, carving, etc.)

History of Palembang (Part 4)

Similarly kedemangan, the region where the characters live demang, or Kebumen is the place where Mangkubumi settled. Besides, there are regions where certain groups live, such as Kebangkan is the settlement the people of Bangka, Kebalen is the settlement of people from Palembang Bali.Setelah under colonial administration, then by Regering Commisaris JI Van Sevenhoven bottom scrapings zoning system should be broken apart. This solution not only divisive forces of the empire, also at the same memcah of previously subject to the monarchy, became tuduk the colonial administration. Bottom scrapings made several villages. As the chief was appointed head of the village, and in Palembang is divided into two regions, namely Seberang Seberang Ulu and Ilir. To head the region became Demat. Demat is a subject to indigenous pamongraja controleur. Palembang city at that time consisted of 52 villages, which is 36 villages located across ilir and 16 villages across the Ulu. These villages are numbered from 1 to 36 for the other side of ilir, while across the gut of 1 to 16 ulu.Pemberian numbers vigorously this village in early implementation, but then the division did not develop even shrink. In 1939 the village into 43 pieces, of which 29 villages located across ilir and 14 villages located across the pit.

History of Palembang (Part 3)

According to Pires Tomec writing around the fall of Melaka, stating that the influence of Majapahit and China pupusnya du Palembang is due to the rise of Islam in the region of Palembang itself. And conditions were put into an area of ​​Palembang Islamic Kingdom of Demak protection around the year 1546, involving Aria Penangsang of Jipang and Prince Hadiwijaya of Pajang, where death Aria Penangsang make his followers fled to the Aryan Jipang Palembang.Para made by setting up new fears Palembang Kingdom. Founders of the kingdom of Palembang is Ki Gede Ing Suro. His first palace in Kuto Hurdles, at this site right in the komplesk PT. Pusri. Where is the tomb of Ki Gede Ing Suro behind Pusri.Dari form of Javanese court on the banks of the Musi river, the Malay rulers to adapt to the surrounding environment. Acculturation and assimilation ensued an Javanese and Malay culture, known as the culture of Palembang.

History of Palembang (Part 2)

From the rest of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya Palembang tinggalah as a separate force, known as the kingdom of Palembang. According to Chinese records king of Palembang by the name Ma-na-ha-Pau-lin pang send envoys facing the Chinese emperor in 1374 and 1375.Maharaja this is probably the last king of Palembang, Palembang before it was destroyed by the Majapahit in 1377. Likely Parameswara and his followers migrated to the peninsula, where he stopped first to the island and founded the kingdom Temasik Singapore. The island was abandoned after he fought against the people of Siam. From Singapore he moved to the peninsula and established the kingdom of Melaka. After building this empire with the style and way of Srivijaya, Malacca became the largest empire in the archipelago after the greatness of his own after being abandoned Parameswara Sriwijaya.Palembang into chaos. Majapahit can not put the duke in Palembang, because it was rejected by the Chinese people who had taken control of Palembang. They call Palembang as the Ku-Kang and they consist of groups of China who were expelled from South China, namely from the Nan-hai, Chang-chou-chou and Changuan.

History of Palembang (Part 1)

Palembang City is the oldest city in Indonesia was at least 1382 years if based Srivijaya inscription inscription known as the Mount Position. According to the inscription that dates to June 16 682. At that time the ruler of Srivijaya was founded Wanua in the area now known as the city of Palembang. According to the topography, the city is surrounded by water, even submerged by water. Water is sourced either from rivers or swamps, as well as rainwater. Even today the city of Palembang, there are still 52.24% of land are inundated by water (data of Statistics 1990). Likely due to this condition then the ancestors of the people of this city named this city as Pa-Pa dent in the Malay language as a word or Pe designate a place or situation, while coquettish meaning hollow or low ground, the valley swollen with long roots submerged in water (according to Malay dictionary), whereas according to the Malay-language Palembang, dented or coquettish is a puddle of water. So Palembang is a place flooded by water.