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History of Palembang (Part 4)

Similarly kedemangan, the region where the characters live demang, or Kebumen is the place where Mangkubumi settled. Besides, there are regions where certain groups live, such as Kebangkan is the settlement the people of Bangka, Kebalen is the settlement of people from Palembang Bali.Setelah under colonial administration, then by Regering Commisaris JI Van Sevenhoven bottom scrapings zoning system should be broken apart. This solution not only divisive forces of the empire, also at the same memcah of previously subject to the monarchy, became tuduk the colonial administration. Bottom scrapings made several villages. As the chief was appointed head of the village, and in Palembang is divided into two regions, namely Seberang Seberang Ulu and Ilir. To head the region became Demat. Demat is a subject to indigenous pamongraja controleur. Palembang city at that time consisted of 52 villages, which is 36 villages located across ilir and 16 villages across the Ulu. These villages are numbered from 1 to 36 for the other side of ilir, while across the gut of 1 to 16 ulu.Pemberian numbers vigorously this village in early implementation, but then the division did not develop even shrink. In 1939 the village into 43 pieces, of which 29 villages located across ilir and 14 villages located across the pit.

Administrative villages can be estimated shrinkage is due to the required bukannlah territory, but chopped his soul that there was a link with the head tax. So for that chop digabungkanlah several villages that lack soul, and pretty headed by a Chief Kampung.Oleh karen village chief only take care of the natives, then for the officer class, they have a separate head and Wijk. For the Chinese group, was appointed to the position as head of military rank, Lieutenant, Captain and Major. Similarly with the Arabs and Keling (India / Pakistan) with the head of a Captain. For the position of head of foreign Asian Nations, usually selected based on statements the amount of tax they will pick up and submitted to the government guarantee funds accompanied begi kedudukannya.Pemerintah Palembang on 1 April 1906 became one Stadgemeente. One of the autonomous municipalities, where the governing council of government. Residents said the city government is Haminte. Chairman of the City Council is Burgemeester (mayor), he was elected by the members of the City Council. City Council members elected by the residents kota.Sebenernya city government is not formed for the primary purpose of fulfilling the interests of natives, but rather the interests of Western businessmen who are enjoying liberalization. Because the impact of liberalization of the city as a center or economic concentration, either as a port of export, industry, services trade and became the headquarters of the employers.

Era Period Japan

Dizaman Japanese population (1942-1945), structurally there is no change in the position of chief. Only the titles are changed, namely the Ku - Co and they are under the coordination Gun - Co.. His job emphasis on economic development the Japanese war. To close ranks among the population, introduced a system of the Japanese environment, Tonari - Gumi, the Neighborhood which includes every 10 homes in a village. Tonari - led by a Ku gumi - Mi - Co (Chairman of the RT).

Building a Stand

Period of Sriwijaya

Central government and bagin settlement located in the western city of Palembang. The shape of development conducted in the form:
  • Spatial and waterways as well as backfill and stockpiling of swampland (Kelurahan Karang Anyar village of Bukit Lama and the District of Seberang Ulu I), both forms of the palace, residential area or place of worship.
  • Ibadaha building a monastery and completeness.
  • Port development, as well as a means of transportation.
  • Construction of the Palace and the houses of shelter residents, both on the mainland, as well as a raft on the river and swamp rumha poster above.
  • Industrial development, among others, the bead industry in West Ilir.
  • Park Development Srisetra western section of the city (Inscription Rock Tuo).

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