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History of Palembang (Part 5)

The period of the Sultanate of Palembang

Central government at the beginning of the resurrection, in the eastern city of Palembang (around PT. PUSRI and Sub I Ilir). Then after nearly a century to move to the center in the Village 19 Ilir, a development that made the form:

  1. Keraton / Palace Kuto Hurdles (PT Pusri I Ilir), Kuto Lamo and Religious Tourism (19 Kelurahan Ilir).
  2. Fortress (the installation of flooring on the River Musi to deter enemy ships).
  3. Mosque (in the I Ilir, Banyan Beard and the Great Mosque 19 Ilir).
  4. Ports and mooring places river transport.
  5. The tomb of the kings of Palembang.
  6. Spatial arrangement of cities (such as Kepandean, beloved, Kebumen, Depaten).
  7. Development by the community (pagoda, pyramid house, household fabrics industry, carving, etc.)
Dutch Colonization Period

Based on the record of implementation of new urban development plans began in the early formation of the city government in the 1900's, as below:

  1. 30 September 1918 the City Government set about the establishment and dismantling of buildings, namely Verordening op het bouwen en de Gemeente sloopen in Palembang.
  2. 1935 published Bouwverordening der Gemeente Palembang form Standsplan (Technical Plan Space City), later with the publication of the map plan, map or maps of land use (detailed plan).

1906 - 1935

Development planning and implementation of Palembang city between 1906-1935 are as follows:

  • Purchase fields to store building materials.
  • Making Ogan River Bridge.
  • Road repairs to the Seberang Ulu from Ogan Plaju through 10 Ulu (Jl. KH. Azhari).
  • Making traffic field near 10 Ulu and Tengkuruk.
  • Provides fields for advanced railroad Kertapati Sum-Cells from the Seberang.
  • Providing a port in Seberang Ulu Field.
  • Deepening of the river Musi.
  • With road construction, road repairs - the pass and widening the road between Port Tengkuruk - Java gutters; Jl. Gevangenis (Jl. Penitentiary) - New Boom.
  • Repair places where ships anchored to the river in 19 Ilir (Port / pontoon).
  • The provision of a transit of urgency from Kertapati (end point of the railroad Sum-Sel) that can be achieved by the ships, which took the coal from the mine acid hill.

  1. Realization stands plan (Master Plan for the City) City of Palembang. It is the determination of these locations:
  • Industrial estate in the area and Plaju Gerong River.
  • Real Estate in Talang Ants.
  • Ring Radial building systems and city street (which was only reached the Gutters Grunik as the circumference II) Jl. Captain Arivai and Jl. Veterans now).

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