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History of Palembang (Part 2)

From the rest of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya Palembang tinggalah as a separate force, known as the kingdom of Palembang. According to Chinese records king of Palembang by the name Ma-na-ha-Pau-lin pang send envoys facing the Chinese emperor in 1374 and 1375.Maharaja this is probably the last king of Palembang, Palembang before it was destroyed by the Majapahit in 1377. Likely Parameswara and his followers migrated to the peninsula, where he stopped first to the island and founded the kingdom Temasik Singapore. The island was abandoned after he fought against the people of Siam. From Singapore he moved to the peninsula and established the kingdom of Melaka. After building this empire with the style and way of Srivijaya, Malacca became the largest empire in the archipelago after the greatness of his own after being abandoned Parameswara Sriwijaya.Palembang into chaos. Majapahit can not put the duke in Palembang, because it was rejected by the Chinese people who had taken control of Palembang. They call Palembang as the Ku-Kang and they consist of groups of China who were expelled from South China, namely from the Nan-hai, Chang-chou-chou and Changuan.
While each group has its own leader, but they agreed to reject the leadership of majapahit and raised Tau Liang-ming as the leader of Palembang mereka.Pada this period known as the region became a nest of pirates of the Chinese people. No wonder the shops and legendary history of China, namely Admiral Chen-ho had appeared several times in Palembang to combat the pirates are. In 1407 after returning from his voyage from the west, Chen-ho himself had captured a pirate supply store from Palembang namely Chen Tsui-i. Chen-ho pirates bring it presented to the emperor, and then beheaded amid the capital markets. But some stores in a sea of ​​Chinese pirates like Chin Lien, in 1577 had been hiding in Palembang and later became a respected merchant in Palembang. Chiang Lien as superintendent of trade for China. in fact this position is a position adopted by the emperor and has the authority to set laws, rewards, decrease or increase (promotion) for the Chinese people in Palembang. It is conceivable that the power of the Chinese people in Palembang nearly 200 years.

The period of the Sultanate of Palembang

Menurut Tomec Pires who wrote in about the fall of Melaka, stating that the influence of Majapahit and China pupusnya du Palembang is due to the rise of Islam in the region of Palembang itself. And conditions were put into an area of ​​Palembang Islamic Kingdom of Demak protection around the year 1546, involving Aria Penangsang of Jipang and Prince Hadiwijaya of Pajang, where death Aria Penangsang make his followers fled to the Aryan Jipang Palembang.Para made by setting up new fears Palembang Kingdom. Founders of the kingdom of Palembang is Ki Gede Ing Suro. His first palace in Kuto Hurdles, at this site right in the komplesk PT. Pusri. Where is the tomb of Ki Gede Ing Suro behind Pusri.Dari form of Javanese court on the banks of the Musi river, the Malay rulers to adapt to the surrounding environment. Acculturation and assimilation ensued an Javanese and Malay culture, known as the culture of Palembang. Mas Ki Hindi is the kingdom of Palembang figures that clarify Palemban identity, ideology and cultural disconnects ddengan kingdom in central Java (Mataram). He declared himself as sovereign, equivalent to the Sultan Agung of Mataram. Mas Ki Hindi title Abdurrahma Sultan, who was later known as Sunan Cinde Walang (1659-1706). Goalkeeper Kuto palace burned down by the VOC in 1659, due to lack of resistance of Palembang on the teachings of the representative of the VOC in Palembang, Sultan Abdurrahman keratonnya move to Banyan Beard (now a bustling perdangangan). Baaruddin Sultan Mahmud I who holds Jayo Wikramo (1741-1757) is the character development of the Sultanate of Palembang, where does the modern development. Among others, the Great Mosque in Palembang, the Tomb of Lembang (Crater Tengkurep), Kuto Stone Palace (now standing Badarudin Museum and the Office of Tourism Office of Palembang). In addition he also made canals in the region kesulatan, a dual function, namely both as a flow of shipping, agriculture as well for the defense. Jayo Badaruddin Wikramo solidify the concept of cosmology as a lebensraum Batanghari Nine of the power of Palembang. Batanghari Nine is a concept of Malay - Java, which is eight points of the compass are scattered from the center, is the ninth over. Center or corners of the ninth is in the palace of Palembang (more pointedly in the hands of the ruling Sultan).

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