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History of Palembang (Part 6)

1935 - 1950

  1. Bayas changes by entering the port city of Betutu Gutters air into the Municipal Administration.
  2. By Pass road building with street names Miaji (Jl. Jend. Sudirman).
  3. Construction of runway of aircraft:
  • Construction of Airports in Betung.
  • Airfield in Talang Hall.
  • Improvements in the sea port city of Palembang.
  • Aircraft field development on the River Fruit.
  • The expansion of the airfield gutters Betutu (SMB II).
  • The opening of the road that starts from the Simpang Mosque (Simp. Jl. TP. Rustam Effendi) to the intersection of Charity (Jl. Jend. Sudirman).
  • Improvements and widening and straightening Jl. To Talang Betutu (Jl. Col. H. Burlian).

1950 - 1960

     Market Development:

  • Lingkis (Cinde)
  • Kertapati
  • Lemabang
  • Fruit (Jl. Col. Atmo / Tp. Rustam Effendi)
  • Kuto.
- Public Housing:
     River Fruit and Gutters Betutu
- Clean Water: Screening Expansion
  • Installation of the pipe stem, from screening to Jl. Jend. Sudirman Pipe Suro, Stairs Tank - Field Plaju - Rimab Fun Installation of 270 km pipeline
  • Increased production to 23,000 m3/day
  • Construction of ring road I, Jl. Jend. Sudirman to Simpang Cinde Welan
- The length of roads in the city 225 km
- Stockpiling Musi Boulevart
- Housing Special Projects Kebangkan (PCK)
- Allotment of land acquisition:
  • Regional Indusri PT. Pusri
  • Sriwijaya University
  • Traffic Garden at Bukit Besar
- Construction of Hall on Jl. Sekanak.
- Cambodia Development Station.
- Making Canal (canal) River weir.
- Tank Crossing Development Ladder - Kertapati.
- Opening the road to Gandus Tank Ladder.

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