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Geographical Palembang

Palembang is one of the metropolitan city in Indonesia and is geographically located between 2o 52 'to 3o 5' south latitude and 104o 37 'to 104o 52' East longitude with an average height of 8 meters from the sea. The total area of ​​400.61 km2 Palembang is administratively divided into 16 districts and 107 villages. Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra Province with the boundaries of the north, east and west by Banyu Asin regency, while the south by Muara Enim regency.

Palembang is the natural state of the tropics relative valley, with an average temperature of most areas of the city of Palembang 21o-32o Celsius, rainfall 22-428 MML per year. Based on data from the Meteorological Station

In 2003 the average air temperature ranged from 23.9 º -32 º Celsius, 24.04 ° -32.60 ° Celsius (2004), 22.44 ° -33.65 ° Celsius (2005), 26.4 º -28.9 º Celsius ( 2006) and 21.2 º -35.5 º Celsius (2007). In 2007, the greatest precipitation falls in April with the amount of rainfall is 540 mm 3. While the humidity is the 2007 average of 80%, the average wind speed of 20 km / h with the largest direction of the northwest, and the average air pressure at sea level of 1009 mbar and in the mainland of 1007.5 mbar.

Protected areas in the city of Palembang can be classified into two types, namely forest (5.68%) and swamp (3.83%). For the forest itself consists of various types of land use, including the area of ​​nature reserve (46.91 ha) and the cultural heritage area (21.75 ha).

Based on geological conditions, Palembang has a varied relief consists of a layer of alluvial soil and sandy loam. In the southern part of town, rock sand clay impermeable to water, north of clay rocks sand water-resistant, while the west a rocky clay gravel, sand clay is impermeable to water until the water-resistant.

In terms of hydrology, Palembang city split by the River Musi into two major sections called Seberang Seberang Ulu and Ilir. Palembang city has 108 tributaries. There are four major rivers that cross the city of Palembang. Musi River is the largest river with an average width of 504 meters (1350 feet wide in a circle of the longest Kemaro Island, and the shortest width of 250 meters located around the Musi Bridge II). All three other major rivers are the River Komering with an average width of 236 meters; Ogan River with an average width of 211 meters, and the River Keramasan with an average width of 103 meters. Aside from these major rivers there are other small rivers located in Seberang Ilir serve as urban drainage (there are 68 tributaries ± active). Small rivers have a wide range between 30-20 meters. In the flow of these rivers have built retention ponds, so it becomes part of the border river. Musi River water level is strongly influenced by the tides. In the dry season the river discharge decreased, so that the surface of the Musi River water reaches a minimum height. River flow patterns in the city of Palembang can be classified as a dendritic stream pattern, which means that a tree branch, which was formed by the flow of major rivers (the River Musi) as a tree trunk, while the tributaries as a tree branch. River flow patterns such as these reflect that, river flows through areas that have flat topography. With the same relative rock hardness (uniform) so that surface water (run off) become widespread, which will eventually form a pattern of river flow (river channels) that spreads to river catchment area (catchment area).

The function of the river in Palembang was previously as a means of river transport to the hinterland, but now has undergone many changes, among others, functions as a drainage and for flood Pengedalian. The function of the tributaries which was originally a water catchment area, has been stockpiled for many social interests that change its function into settlements and other economic activity centers, where the average rate over the function is estimated at ± 6% per year. In geomorphic landscape changes on geomorphic units in Palembang related to: the sedimentation of the river which is responsible for the siltation of rivers or the cause of the narrowing (bottle neck) as in the Mariana District of Seberang Ulu I; mining river sand or gravel on the riverbed, which will affect the deepening of the basin; utilization bentaran plains on the river to the settlements, rice fields and other activities that would impact the flow of streams and the presence of illegal deforestation in upstream areas.
Based on Spatial Palembang 1999-2009, approximately 30% of the total area of ​​Palembang is a swamp which consists of marsh and swamp reclamation protection. Swamp the existing structures in the city of Palembang is also influenced by the tides of the Musi River and other rivers that empties into the River Musi. Swamp geomorphic unit is generally characterized by the formation of a larger basin, with a relatively shallow depth, relatively stagnant pool of water (which is not stagnant flow, all time), and even in some locations also found marsh areas that have been dried or not watering except in rainy season. Geomorphic unit marsh dominated much of the region, especially the Western, Eastern region, the Seberang Ulu I, and Seberang Ulu II Palembang. In this unit also found some relatively deeper depressions when compared to some of the surrounding area, and shape the landscape is overgrown by aquatic weeds, commonly called the "valley". This area is known for its water catchment area that is widely used for flood retention pond that is in the District of Ilir Barat I, Kambang iwak Gutters Ants in the district Ilir Timur I, retention ponds Siti Khodijah Hospital, retention pond next police chief and retention ponds in the district Kenten East Ilir II.

Topography of Palembang, in general is low with an average altitude of + 4-12 meters above sea level, with the composition: 48% of land is not waterlogged plains, 15% of the land is seasonally inundated and 35% of land were flooded continuously throughout the season. Location of the highest areas in the Hill District Seguntang Ilir Barat I, with a height of about 10 meters above sea level. While the condition of the lowest in the Lais River area, District Ilir Timur II. Palembang city is divided into regions with tofografi leveled up with ramps, with slopes ranging from ± 0 - 3o and areas with undulating topography with slopes ranging between ± 2-10o. Most of the lowland city of Palembang is a gently sloping with an average height of ground + 12 meters above sea level, whereas areas bergelumbang found in several places like Kenten, Deny Bukit, Bukit Talang Siguntang and reed-Gandus.

There are differences between the topographic character Seberang Seberang Ulu and Ilir. Seberang Ulu region generally have a relatively flat topography and predominantly with the original soil is below the maximum high-water mark of the Musi River (± 3.75 m above sea level) except for lands that have been built and will be built where the ground has been hoarding and reclamation. Seberang Ilir section area found that the variation of topography (elevation) from 4 m to 20 m above sea level and found that the uses of micro and valleys of the "continuous" and there are no steep topography. Thus the topographical aspect in principle no limiting factor for the development of space, either a large slope or slope.

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