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History of Palembang (Part 3)

According to Pires Tomec writing around the fall of Melaka, stating that the influence of Majapahit and China pupusnya du Palembang is due to the rise of Islam in the region of Palembang itself. And conditions were put into an area of ​​Palembang Islamic Kingdom of Demak protection around the year 1546, involving Aria Penangsang of Jipang and Prince Hadiwijaya of Pajang, where death Aria Penangsang make his followers fled to the Aryan Jipang Palembang.Para made by setting up new fears Palembang Kingdom. Founders of the kingdom of Palembang is Ki Gede Ing Suro. His first palace in Kuto Hurdles, at this site right in the komplesk PT. Pusri. Where is the tomb of Ki Gede Ing Suro behind Pusri.Dari form of Javanese court on the banks of the Musi river, the Malay rulers to adapt to the surrounding environment. Acculturation and assimilation ensued an Javanese and Malay culture, known as the culture of Palembang.
Mas Ki Hindi is the kingdom of Palembang figures that clarify Palemban identity, ideology and cultural disconnects ddengan kingdom in central Java (Mataram). He declared himself as sovereign, equivalent to the Sultan Agung of Mataram. Mas Ki Hindi title Abdurrahma Sultan, who was later known as Sunan Cinde Walang (1659-1706). Goalkeeper Kuto palace burned down by the VOC in 1659, due to lack of resistance of Palembang on the teachings of the representative of the VOC in Palembang, Sultan Abdurrahman keratonnya move to Banyan Beard (now a bustling perdangangan). Baaruddin Sultan Mahmud I who holds Jayo Wikramo (1741-1757) is the character development of the Sultanate of Palembang, where does the modern development. Among others, the Great Mosque in Palembang, the Tomb of Lembang (Crater Tengkurep), Kuto Stone Palace (now standing Badarudin Museum and the Office of Tourism Office of Palembang). In addition he also made canals in the region kesulatan, a dual function, namely both as a flow of shipping, agriculture as well for the defense. Jayo Badaruddin Wikramo solidify the concept of cosmology as a lebensraum Batanghari Nine of the power of Palembang. Batanghari Nine is a concept of Malay - Java, which is eight points of the compass are scattered from the center, is the ninth over. Center or corners of the ninth is in the palace of Palembang (more pointedly in the hands of the ruling Sultan).

From all ports in the region of the Malays, Palembang has proven a nd continues to closely into the port of the safest and best rules, as stated by the native people and Europeans. Once entering the waters of rivers, small boats, with the usual caution alert with the actions of deprivation. The possibility of robbers who hid the boat will prey on small commercial boats entering the river, is rare, because of the tight guard by the strength of the Emperor with all peralatannya.Selain riches of good port services and trade, making Palembang has a chance to strengthen pertananannya. This is demonstrated by Sultan Muhammad Bahauddin founded the palace of Religious Tourism in 1780. In the fight against the Dutch and English, Sultan Mahmud II succeeded to overcome political Baruddin diplomacy and warfare are two nations. Before the fall of Palembang in the great battle in 1821, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II in a row in 1819 has twice mengahajar Dutch army troops out of the waters of Palembang. Might Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II was assessed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is reasonable for granted as a National Hero.

Period Dutch

Palembang as the capital of the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam at the time under the Dutch colonial government totally overhauled from the classification of his town. At first the settlement city of Palembang, dizaman Sultanate of more than just the organized settlements. Settlement at the time was an institution in which patronage and paternalist alliance formed by traditional and feudalistic structure of society. The entire system is located in one neighborhood and location. This system is known as gugu (k). Gugu vocabulary derived from Java - Kawi which means: the goods he said, be followed, diindahkan.Setiap bottom scrapings have aspiratip or sectoral nature. Just for understanding though not identical, form bottom scrapings can be seen with the guild system in medieval Europe. Examples of names residential area known as the beloved, is the region where paramiji and alingan (bottom structure of the imperial population groups) that produces the results of copper material. Meaning beloved craftsmen copper (Javanese Kawi). Production is done on the orders of the nobles who became leader (bottom scrapings) who became patron of the two parties both miji and alingan (who di-alingi/dilindungi). The results of this production is also kesultanan.Contoh income for a sultan and the other in residential areas are indicate the bottom scrapings, namely: kepandean is diligent or blacksmiths, craftsmen pelampitan the mats, as well as the brass makers are craftsmen materials from this kuningan.Pemukiman can also be aspirational, ie one that has a bottom scrapings of the same profession or position, such as bottom scrapings Pengulon, settlement of its predecessors and scholars around the grand mosque.

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