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Pempek Palembang

Pempek or Empek-empek Palembang is a typical food made ​​from fish and sago. Actually it is difficult to say that the center is the Palembang pempek is because in almost all areas in South Sumatra produce it.

Presentation pempek accompanied by a sauce of black brownish-called vinegar or cuko (Palembang language). Cuko made ​​from the boiled water, then add brown sugar, shrimp, dried shrimp and crushed chili, garlic, and salt. For indigenous communities Palembang, Cuko than once made ​​spicy to increase appetite. But as the influx of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra is now commonly found cuko with a sweet taste for those who do not like spicy. One of the appendages in a typical meal is tasteless slices of fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles.
Pempek types is the famous "pempek submarine" is a chicken egg wrapped in dough pempek and fried in hot oil. There are others such as pempek lenjer, pempek round (or known by the name "ada'an"), pempek fish skin, pempek pistel (young papaya slices of content that has been spiced stew), pempek small eggs, and pempek curly.

Pempek can be found easily throughout the city of Palembang. Some are sold in restaurants, some in carts, and there is also a bear. Also every school cafeteria that sells pempek there. In the 1980s, the seller can carry a basket pempek full pempek while walking around the city of Palembang food hawking!

Historically, there has pempek in Kilkenny since the influx of Chinese migrants to Palembang, which is around the 16th century, when Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II came to power in-Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. Pempek name or empek-empek believed to have originated from the term "stale", which is the name for an old man of Chinese descent.

Based on folklore, about the year 1617 a 65-year-old musty living in the Assembly (the banks of Musi River) are concerned about watching the abundant catch of fish in the River Musi. The catch is it has not been entirely put to good use, was limited to fried and dipindang. The musty then try other treatment alternatives. He minced fish meat mixed with tapioca flour, to produce a new food. The new food is peddled by the musty by cycling around the city. Because the seller was called "pitch ... stale", then the food came to be known as pempek or empek-empek.

Initially made ​​from fish pempek Belida. However, with increasingly rare and expensive prices Belida fish, the fish are replaced with cork fish that are cheaper, but with flavors that remain tasty.

In further developments, also used other types of river fish, such as fish putak, toman, and persuasion. Used also of marine fish species such as Mackerel, Red Kakap, machete, machetes, yellow tail, and the next fish.

Variety and Type Pempek Palembang
  • Pempek Kapal Selam
  • Pempek Lenjer
  • Pempek Kerupuk
  • Pempek Ada'an (Bola)
  • Pempek Lenggang
  • Pempek Panggang
  • Pempek Cetotan
  • Pempek Kulit
  • Pempek Tahu
  • Pempek Pistel
  • Otak otak
  • Tekwan
  • Celimpungan
  • Laksan
  • Model Tahu
  • Rujak Mie
  • Pempek Dos
  • Pempek Godo-godo
  • Kerupuk Palembang
  • Kemplang Panggang

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